A Chat with the Creator & Founder of Primo de Lanzarote Vermut, Davide Musci.

On 12th December 2023 Ollie sat down for a live chat with Davide Musci, founder and creator of the Canary Islands’ first vermouth or vermut as it is known in Spain. 

In this 40 minute video you can learn all about this famous aperitif which originates from Piamonte, Italy.  Davide explains all about the history, what vermouth is and how it can be enjoyed.  Of course, he tells the fascinating story behind Primo and the little book his father gave him as a child which started his creativity with homemade liquors. 


We currently have an offer on the Wine Shop Lanzarote website, whereby entering the code “PRIMO” at checkout will entitle you to a 10% discount on a two bottle order of either the red or white Primo de Lanzarote Vermut.

We hope you enjoy!

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Primo de Lanzarote Vermouth
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